Mulaka Reviews

Mulaka is ranked in the 48th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10
Mar 5, 2018

A magical setting and engaging gameplay make Mulaka a worthwhile adventure.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 26, 2018

For anyone looking to scratch that nagging Okami itch, even if it never quite reaches the same heights, you're going to have a good time here. It may feel a tad familiar, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes, it's just great to lose yourself in a goofy world for a bit.

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76 / 100
Mar 6, 2018

Fun and entertaining action adventure, where it's biggest strength is the representation of the Tahuramara culture. The combat system may be too simple for the most demanding players, but the art design makes for it.

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6 / 10
Feb 26, 2018

While I appreciated the insight into the folklore of the Taramuhara people, Mulaka as a game is about as average as an action adventure title gets. It's got some great ideas lurking within, but the overall structure is incredibly dated and only really saved thanks to the subject matter. As a game, it's not really doing much that hasn't been done better before, but as a cultural insight, it has a lot to offer those interested.

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6.2 / 10.0
Mar 7, 2018

A great story story and setting drawn back because of its playable restraints.

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6 / 10
Mar 2, 2018

Mulaka offers a truly intriguing insight into the culture and mythology of the Tarahumara people, but is let down by some frustrating gameplay issues. Exploring and puzzle solving is a simple but enjoyable affair, and there are elements of the combat system that show real promise, but some oversights surrounding the game's pacing and controls leave quite a lot to be desired. If you're interested enough in learning about the topic it wouldn't be unwise to give the game a go despite its flaws, but players looking purely for great gameplay might want to ponder over it a little longer.

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7.5 / 10.0
Feb 26, 2018

If you can get past the somewhat janky visuals and combat, you will find a decent action-adventure game that does an excellent job exposing new people to an intriguing culture and mythology. If you are a fan of games that infuse history or different mythologies into the experience and have not heard of the Tarahumara people, Mulaka is definitely worth checking out. It is vital to preserve smaller and somewhat ignored cultures through things like storytelling, so I'm glad Lienzo choose to do so for the Tarahumara people in an interactive way with Mulaka.

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4.5 / 10.0
Feb 26, 2018

Mulaka has some neat ideas and a sometimes gorgeous look to it, but little else to offer. The individual locations fail to stand out, and the game quickly becomes overly formulaic. The combat is too sloppy to impress, the platforming is plagued by a stiff moving character, and the puzzles are never captivating. It's a completely forgettable experience with a few really nice sights that are better experienced as screenshots.

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55 / 100
May 7, 2018

The team at Lienzo has built a beautiful and fascinating glimpse into an overlooked and forgotten culture that is immediately endearing. The game they built to support that, though, is disappointingly shallow and clumsily constructed. It's nice to see game development coming out of Mexico, and I look forward to what they are able to do next, but Mulaka doesn't have the chops to make the game worthwhile.

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Feb 26, 2018

Mulaka takes you on a wonderful journey of discovery albeit with clunky combat.

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Mar 21, 2018

For most players, Mulaka will be a familiar gameplay experience structured around something wholly new and enriching in every other way.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 5, 2018

Mulaka has some promise, but some issues in certain areas. It has a really cool soundtrack, lovely atmosphere, and the hand drawn style of the graphics makes it stand out. Sadly, some of the mechanics just bring it down a bit. Perhaps with some future updates some of this can be fixed, but at least the foundations of the game are solid, and the story is genuinely interesting.

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Ken McKown
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Mar 2, 2018

Mulaka continues to show the prowess of developer Lienzo. They are slowly honing their craft and I expect it to continue. I look forward to their next game, but for now anyone who enjoys games such as Zelda or Okami would do well to check this title out. It is available on virtually everything and worth the investment even with its shortcomings.

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6.5 / 10.0
Mar 17, 2018

Mulaka is a traditional action adventure, ispired by Okami, that tries and tell the roots of the Tarahumara culture. The game developed by Lienzo is constrained by an all too linear gameplay, a bland level design and a boring combat system (except the boss fights). It's presented in an elegant package, it can be played peacefully, but it's not bound to leave a mark.

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5 / 10
Mar 4, 2018

Ultimately, Mulaka succeeds in the story it wishes to tell, but it falls short in two of its primary gameplay tenets: action and adventure. Controls are fiddly, environments a little sparse, and combat inadequate. It excels in using the video game format to widen knowledge of a culture that admittedly many around the world will know very little about, but as a game to interact with, its deficiencies outshine its ideas and make it somewhat forgettable.

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75 / 100
Mar 2, 2018

It never feels old or clunky though, because the style is timeless.

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Feb 27, 2018

If you can adjust to the foibles of the fighting mechanics, this throwback captures the feel of classic action adventures coupled with a respectful and fascinating exploration of the Tarahumara culture. Mulaka is a mesmerising experience with a decidedly old school sensibility.

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7.8 / 10.0
Mar 7, 2018

An interesting and fresh approach to the semi-open world adventure genre, that sadly lacks a bit of synergy between its mechanics.

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6.8 / 10.0
Mar 1, 2018

Unfortunately lacks the originality it so desperately needs to really stand out from the pack. Even though the art style is striking and bold, combined with an inventive cultural focus, the gameplay and overall design weigh it down to be little more than a passable action adventure title.

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Top Critic
72 / 100
Feb 26, 2018

Despite its cultural content and folclore context, Mulaka is a real simple adventure game that still has to proof why it's different from other games of the same genre.

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