Squirrel with a Gun Reviews
Squirrel With A Gun never takes itself seriously and it doesn’t need to. Me and my little lad loved playing this one together and at various points, he did have to hand me the controller for a helping hand with some of the trickier platforming moments throughout. The game doesn’t focus on just mindlessly gunning everything down in sight, it has some puzzle elements and areas for you to explore and discover along the way. But if you ever fancied taking a tree rat into moments akin to The Matrix and Max Payne, then this is a real treat. For the price point, it offers several hours of enjoyment and whilst it is a little clunky and frustrating in particular moments, it never stops being fun. For those with youngsters who are out for a laugh, or just want some casual fun its worth a punt.
Someone gave a gun to a squirrel in this absurdist action-adventure game—over-the-top, not always optimized, but fun.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
At the budget price of $19.99, Squirrel with a Gun offers a very good platforming experience that is just the right amount of fun and wacky. If you're a fan of games like Goat Simulator, you're sure to love stepping into the shoes of a gun-wielding squirrel runaway. Too bad about the lack of variety (but content coming in the next few months should add that extra bit of spice) and some technical smears, but considering the price, they can absolutely fit.
Review in Italian | Read full review
'Squirrel with a gun' is a clear indie game. In the appearance, he does exceed the expectation. The control is obvious. There is, however, some delay between the action and the response. It has some small imperfections and sometimes feels a bit empty. Yet it is an entertaining, sometimes challenging, game where you are guaranteed to laugh.
Review in Dutch | Read full review
Squirrel With A Gun feels like a game built around a Twitter joke that somehow became real. Sure, it has its moments of charm and creativity, but the frustrating controls and repetitive gameplay make it hard to recommend at full price. Consider it only if you're in the mood for some mindless chaos and don't mind fighting with the controls to achieve it.
Overall, I enjoyed my time with “Swag”. The game knew what it wanted to be and doesn’t overstay its welcome, clocking in at about 3-4 hours for a standard run and about 5-6 hours for getting all the achievements. I would recommend giving the game a go for its stylish presentation and if for nothing else to experience father and mother boss battles and that epic song.
Squirrel with a Gun is a game designed to make the player smile using the irony typical of no-nonsense memes. From this point of view, the experiment is successful thanks to some very funny scenes, which, however, in some cases, border on the grotesque. Unfortunately, the outline gameplay does not support the basic idea in the right way, despite some interesting cues.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Squirrel with a Gun is the exact type of obnoxious game it needed to be. While things can feel a little empty at times, the game having a shorter completion time of just 5-6 hours helps keep things from getting too dry.
Squirrel With a Gun delivers some funny combat and has some interesting puzzle solutions. Offering multiple solutions to a puzzle lets your creativity come to life. However, the game doesn’t do much to stand out from the other platformer games in the market. Unless you are interested in playing as a squirrel, there’s not much keeping you playing.
Have squirrel, have gun, will travel
Squirrel with a Gun is a pretty simplistic but upfront game that offers exactly what its ridiculous name might suggest: it’s all about tackling puzzles and obstacles as a freaking squirrel wielding a big fat gun. Whilst it does ooze the the vibes of an overrated “meme game” like Goat Simulator, it does have more substance and care put into it. It might be janky, but its level design is solid, and some of its puzzles were quite ingenious. Its one-note joke wears off after a while, but it’s still somewhat fun while the novelty lasts.
Squirrel with a Gun is a game that embraces its absurd premise and offers players a uniquely entertaining experience. It’s a game that doesn’t take itself too seriously, and it encourages players to do the same. Whether you’re in it for the laughs, the chaos, or the sheer novelty of the concept, Squirrel with a Gun is sure to leave a lasting impression.
Squirrel with a Gun is a great stress reliver and a great means to turn off your brain. I had a few of my friends wonder what the game was about. When I told them it’s exactly what it says it is, they seemed almost confused. Then upon seeing the steam page they realised it all made sense. This game just proves there is no such thing as being too silly. Also, I feel like I haven’t used the word “nuts” in this review….I should have said it more…NUTS NUTS NUTS NUTS NUTS NUTS NUTS! There, now all my nuts are on the floor for the squirrels to take and not point a gun at me.
Squirrel with a Gun stands out for its irreverence and creativity. Although it doesn't offer the depth or technical refinement that many games strive for, it fulfills its goal of entertaining by embracing the absurd and exaggerated humor. The combination of a squirrel with a gun, sandbox mechanics, and moments of pure fun make the game a great choice for those looking for something light and hilarious. However, its simplicity and lack of polish in some aspects may cause discomfort for players who expect more realism or complexity.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
While the platforming elements can be challenging, at time frustratingly so, Squirrel With a Gun is still an absolute joy to play.
"Squirrel With A Gun is a game that doesn’t take itself seriously, and if you follow suit, there’s some fun to be had. With impressive graphics and challenging environmental puzzles, the game offers a unique experience, complemented by a wide arsenal of weapons. However, frequent crashes, bugs, clunky controls, and repetitive music keep it from reaching its full potential. Aw, nuts."
Review in Dutch | Read full review
Squirrel with a Gun is a game that I cannot recommend to anyone who values their time and nerves. It is an unfinished production, with many technical problems, which is simply not enjoyable to play. Despite attempts at humor, the game does not evoke laughter, but rather a feeling of embarrassment and cringe. It's been a long time since I've encountered a game that simultaneously induced in me as much frustration and annoyance as incredible, dreamy boredom.
Review in Polish | Read full review