Divinity: Original Sin 2 Reviews
Divinity: Original Sin 2 is a critical success on a persuasion test. At first, you can only feel enthusiasm in the face of such a majestic work, yet as the effects of the test begin to disappear you realize that something is wrong. With his latest effort, Larian Studios does everything a role-playing enthusiast would like from its ideal title, except to create an engaging and compelling story. This and a few problems too much in the balance of the combat system prevent Original Sin 2 from establishing itself at the top of the genre, while still remaining a great product.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Divinity Original Sin 2 is an instant classic, as well as the best game of the rpg genres in a long time.
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Freedom of choice is a wonderful thing, and this game has it in abundance. In a way, it saddens me to think that I have likely already missed numerous small-yet-endearing side quests; that I've passed characters by without ever knowing the stories they have to tell. This game is magical, and magically intense – it is an experience that has been passionately and painstakingly realised by developer Larian.
It's hard to find a game with little to no flaws, but Larian Studios proved that, sometimes, it happens. With excellent story and characters, smart writing and masterfully crafted gameplay enhanced by the multiplayer modes, Divinity: Original Sin 2 truly deserves a place among the best cRPGs ever released.
While there is much to see and do, this is a game about being methodical, taking it slow and exploring every possibility before moving forward.
From the astonishing amount of replayability it provides to the gorgeously detailed world you and your party will inhabit to the awesome and thought-provoking combat and so so much more, DOS2 is a game that you do not want to miss.
Divinity: Original Sin 2 stands as a remarkable example of three genres: the classic roleplaying game, the online arena battler, and the tabletop-style adventure enabler. If its campaign fails to shake off some of Larian’s unfriendlier habits, those flaws are mitigated by the ways in which the studio have shaped a genre moulded by nostalgia into genuinely new forms – changing more than just the keyboard shortcuts for the better.
Larian Studios has kept all its promises, realizing a title that surpasses the previous one in every respect; from writing, to gameplay to first-class graphics. It is undoubtedly a watershed, a title with which - from now on - every role-playing game will have to confront.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Divinity: Original Sin II refines, expands, or reimagines nearly all of its features, creating a complex, rewarding adventure with powerful multiplayer capabilities.
Divinity: Original Sin II is the best game I have played this millennium.
Divinity: Original Sin 2 is raw and savage, and it's easily one of the best RPGs we've played this year.
Stop whatever it is you're doing right now, and go play this game. Divinity: Original Sin 2 is a definitive game-of-the-year contender, and one of the best RPGs to be released this entire decade.
This is a great game for RPG fans to get their teeth into: over 20 hours in, you'll notice the story only just starts gaining traction, and you may only just start getting familiar with the game's myriad systems. The game is unforgiving, often mercilessly so, but if you have the patience to penetrate the density and crack open the core gameplay, there's such a wealth of well-written RPG content, it's impossible not to recommend.
Divinity Original Sin 2 is undoubtedly one of the best RPGs we've seen since a long time. Deep, rich, various and gorgeous are the right words to describe this game. Larian has made a true masterpiece.
Review in French | Read full review
Undoubtedly one of the titans of modern RPGs, but not without flaws.
Divinity: Original Sin II has expanded greatly upon its predecessor, addressing many of the complaints it once had and pushing the standard much farther away. It may not only be a must-play for fans of classic RPG's, but may prove to be one of the best games to help introduce those newer to the genre.
No game has captured the nuance of pen-and-paper RPG quite like Divinity: Original Sin 2. Every moment is filled with meaningful choice with real consequences, and every character has a story to tell. In an RPG landscape where dialogue options are dumbed down, and quests have become package delivery to a specific map coordinate, Divinity: Original Sin 2 stands out as one of the best RPGs I've played in a decade...maybe even longer than that.
With a gripping story, fantastic soundtrack, and new gameplay mechanics, this game is a cannot miss for RPG fans.
Divinity Original Sin 2 is that perfect sequel, it knew what made the original great, understood its weaknesses and then went balls to the wall to attempt to make the best product possible. Without a doubt, Divinity Original Sin 2 is up there with some of the best games released this year, and up their with some of the best CRPGs ever released.
Divinity: Original Sin II is like a fine wine. It demands patience, a proper attitude and some taste. If you’re willing to spend time and really sink into the story you’ll have one of the best RPG experiences in recent years. Original Sin II offers true role playing – ways to develop your character and his/her story are numerous. Great RPG!
Review in Polish | Read full review