Godfall Reviews
Godfall's tried and trusted combat feels pleasant from moment-to-moment, but doesn't do enough to distract from an otherwise hollow experience.
Godfall currently feels very familiar: it unashamedly borrows the loot system that made Destiny and Borderlands great, attempting to mix it with hardcore Souls-like melee combat. In the first few hours, this makes the game feel a little dull. But the core mechanics feel well built and could act as a stable base for the game's more interesting character building and co-op dynamics, of which I've currently only scratched the surface.
A disappointment in almost all areas besides combat and graphics, Godfall feels more like a next-generation showcase than anything else. A boatload of stats and unsubstantial loot are just some of Godfall's major problems.
It's derivative, only has three zones, and doesn't have much to offer besides its combat, but Godfall will be enjoyable to anyone who just wants a well-tuned, good-looking action RPG to slash their way through.
Godfall is often great in its moment to moment gameplay, though fails to ever make anything of its story. It's a fun time, but never feels like it reaches its full potential.
It might at least be a fun one to pick up on sale in a few months when the launch hype has died down – by then, they’ll have hopefully mixed in some more variety to make it worthwhile.
Truth be told, Godfall is a hard experience to review. You have a serviceable story, impressive graphics for a launch title, satisfying combat centered around an underwhelming loot system, RPG mechanics, and diversity. I will honestly say I did not get the experience I was expecting, something like Destiny centered around swords, but it was still good. There are certainly great things to be said about everything here, you should just go in expecting more of a hack and slash game than one centered around loot.
The combat feels good, but that doesn't stop it from being an aggressively mediocre game that lifted most of its gameplay ideas from better titles. Play those instead.
Godfall is a typical game that make you scream when you watching its trailers, but make you sleepy when you actually playing. Its gorgeous art design and outstanding graphics are indeed commendable. But in other parts, it's very boring.
Review in Chinese | Read full review
Godfall is a derivative action with a repetitive game structures and bad loot balancing. Despite the good graphics, there are few game elements that can be saved.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Despite that less than acceptable end game experience, I can still recognise the glimmer of potential in Godfall. For a first outing, Counterplay has achieved something that's undeniably striking in the visuals department, though that's marred by sameiness and the odd, isolated framerate hitch. We also have an addictive loot game and a surprisingly deep RPG upgrade system here, though it's hamstrung by fisticuffs that don't nail down those all important fundamentals.
Godfall's sluggish, overly complicated combat, hilariously paper-thin story, and numerous technical issues make it a lowlight of the PlayStation 5's launch lineup.
Godfall's incredible visuals and stylish combat lift up an otherwise repetitive and bland hack n' slash adventure that lacks depth.
Godfall is all style and no substance. The next-gen lick of paint certainly makes it an exquisite looking stunner, however, at its core is some lacklustre gameplay and some genuinely lethargic missions. The boss battles are exciting and momentarily engaging, and the art style incredible, but I'm left feeling more than a little underwhelmed and unfulfilled.
Many promises so that in the end nothing good is found. Godfall is an unpleasant experience and far below any expectation for a launching game in a new console. It is not a must have on a PS5 and it is difficult to recommend the game in any situation.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
At the end of the day, Godfall is a game with a dull story, boring world, uninteresting loot, and simplistic combat, but it looks pretty and feels nice to play. It's not a bad game for a quick playthrough, but it's not something that is going to keep your attention for very long, despite theoretically being designed for loot-grinding fun. Considering the new game price of $70, it's difficult to recommend Godfall, even if you're very hungry for a new game for your PS5. Once it comes down in price, it'll be easier to justify picking it up for a mindless hack-and-slash weekend, but at the moment, it doesn't do enough to really be worthwhile.
Godfall is a looter slasher game that successfully delivers a robust combat system alongside gorgeous next-gen graphics. Unfortunately, it fails in utilizing all the potential of story settings. It also gets boring and repetitive near the end. It doesn’t add anything special to the action genre. It is not a bad game; neither is it a great game. Godfall is just an OK game with really astonishingly good graphics.
Review in Persian | Read full review
Godfall is such an unpleasant experience it's difficult for me to find anything to like. Occasionally, it flirts with just being a mediocre snooze, but then you hit an aggravating boss fight that reminds you of how poorly it was designed. It would take an entire shift in tone and genre to salvage anything offered.
The game should've initially released as an early access game to be able to grow through the feedback of gamers who love this genre. However, the game was below expectations with minor fun elements but felt empty. As a new generation launch game we will hardly remember it in the future, unless it got the support it needs and tweaked to be a better game.
Review in Arabic | Read full review
Godfall offers great combat and a variety of weapons, but without proper expansion. The creators have not exploited the potential of the created world and may no longer be given the opportunity to show its true character.
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